Alright well, the other day I was supposed to bring something into my class to eat while we watched a very educational movie so I planned on bringing some cookies. Anyway so I had some time in the morning before class to make the very tasty and delicious cookies. As I was getting all the ingredients together I got a phone call and figured that I could multitask, I could talk and bake at the same time, which in the end turned out to be not such a good idea. Well while I was talking I was making the dough, adding things here and there. Finally I was ready to put the cookie dough on the pan but I noticed that the dough seemed a little softer than usual for the cookie recipe that I used but didn't really think much of it. So I put all the dough onto the cookie sheet and put it in the oven for about ten minutes or so, all the while I was still talking on the phone. When I went to go check on the cookies I looked into the oven and saw that the cookie dough while cooking had spread into one big rectangular cookie that did not look very appealing. Also while the dough had spread out the chocolate chips in each cookie remained in the center where I had origionally put them -_-. I was so confused as to what had happened but couldn't figure it out so I blamed it on the oven in which my room mates just made fun of me for even trying to get away with that excuse. Later when I was telling one of my room mates that it was the oven that messed the cookies up I told her that I could prove that I did everything right and went to show her the ingredients list. Right as I looked at the ingredients I noticed that the recipe called for one more cup of flour than I had mixed in origionally. My room mate just laughed at me and told me that I was a dork. It was pretty embarrassing but, on the bright side regardless of how nasty the cookies looked they tasted pretty dang good so, everyone ate them all. By the end of the next day there was not one bit left of the cookies, turned giant cookie that I made which, made me quite happy. Now I know that talking on the phone and baking do not go very well together...or at least for me ^_^
Here are some pictures of the cookies I made.
This was the less good looking pan of cookies I made. Everyone was a little hesitant to try this pan of cookies.
This was the most accepted pan of cookies I guess because they didn't look as burnt as the other pan.
Haha nice one I guess I can't call you anymore while you bake then. I am glad you ate them, but like I said you should have taken them to class.